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Abraham Lincoln’s Two Vice Presidents

   Posted by: admin   in Civil War People

Abraham Lincoln was had an astute political mind. This was amply demonstrated when during the course of the American Civil War, he chose to select a new Vice President for his second term. Read the rest of this entry »

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Civil War Confederate Generals: A List

   Posted by: admin   in Civil War People

Wikipedia often has surprising gems to help in history research. As long as the issue is not controversial, the information is generally pretty accurate.

It was a delight to discover a list of Civil War Confederate generals on their site. They are all listed in alphabetic order and many of them have portraits or photos associated with their names. Read the rest of this entry »


15 Civil War Battles with Two Names

   Posted by: admin   in Civil War Battles

When we think of the battles of a war, we think of them as being identified by a single name. In the case of the Civil War, there were 15 battles that had Union names that were different than their Confederate names.

Here is the list these 15 Civil War battles and their alternate names. They are listed as their Union name followed by their Confederate name

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The Battle of Chancellorsville was a monumental fight on many different levels. It was a Confederate victory that never should have been. It was Lee’s greatest fight and Stonewall Jackson’s final stand. The events at Chancellorsville proved that the accepted military strategy of the day was not necessarily the best strategy as Lee squared off prowess against size and strength. He took a daring gamble and won despite seemingly impossible circumstances.

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Stories of the Civil War Published

   Posted by: admin   in Civil War Articles

Stories of the Civil War Volumes 1 and 2 are published and available as free ebooks. Each ebook has 25 stories of the civil war.  Listed below are the table of contents of each of the two ebooks and the download link. Read the rest of this entry »